Members for Members: Sketching at the Kunsthalle Praha

Discover Kunsthalle Praha from a different perspective!

During this workshop, we will focus on drawing on location (known as urban sketching). We will explore both the gallery spaces and the surrounding areas, attempting to capture the things that catch our interest.  

The workshop will be led by Rajesh Dhawan, a member of Kunsthalle Praha. The program is intended for all drawing enthusiasts, and no previous experience is necessary. 

  • Date: Wednesday 18/9 2024 5.30–7.30 PM  

  • Free for Kunsthalle Praha members 

  • In English 

What you need to bring with you: 

  • About 10 sheets of drawing paper – A4 or A3 size 

  • Clipboard to hold your drawing sheets 

  • Drawing pen or fountain pen or any line-drawing tool of your choice 

  • Drawing pen or marker or crayon that can make a thicker line 

During the workshop, you will learn how to: 

  • Draw quick thumbnail sketches from direct observation 

  • Select things that interest you at a location 

  • Create a finished drawing at the location 

Members for Members   

Members of Kunsthalle Praha have a unique opportunity to prepare and lead a program for other members. This innovative format creates a space for mutual gatherings, sharing interests, and connecting our community of art lovers. 

Are you a member and would like to get involved with your idea? Contact us at:

About Rajesh Dhawan  

Rajesh Dhawan is an Arts Educator and Entrepreneur. He regularly conducts workshops and talks for drawing enthusiasts, and mentors students and underprivileged youth, helping them bring their artistic and entrepreneurial projects to life. He was instrumental in publishing the book Prague Sketched/ Nakreslená Praha through which Urban Sketchers Prague group members share their creations and present Prague in a new light.